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Array Functions

GET(array, index)Returns an element from the array by index (1-based)GET([1, 2], 2)2
LENGTH(array)Returns the length of the arrayLENGTH([1, 2])2
ARRAY_CONCAT(array1, array2)Concats two arraysARRAY_CONCAT([1, 2], [3, 4][1,2,3,4]
ARRAY_CONTAINS(array, item)Checks if the array contains a specific elementARRAY_CONTAINS([1, 2], 1)1
ARRAY_INDEXOF(array, item)Returns the index(1-based) of an element if the array contains the elementARRAY_INDEXOF([1, 2, 9], 9)3
ARRAY_SLICE(array, start[, end])Extracts a slice from the array by index (1-based)ARRAY_SLICE([1, 21, 32, 4], 2, 3)[21,32]
ARRAY_SORT(array)Sorts elements in the array in ascending orderARRAY_SORT([1, 4, 3, 2])[1,2,3,4]
ARRAY_<aggr>(array)Aggregates elements in the array with an aggregate function (sum, count, avg, min, max, any)ARRAY_SUM([1, 2, 3, 4]10
ARRAY_UNIQUE(array)Counts unique elements in the array (except NULL)ARRAY_UNIQUE([1, 2, 3, 3, 4])4
ARRAY_DISTINCT(array)Removes all duplicates and NULLs from the array without preserving the original orderARRAY_DISTINCT([1, 2, 2, 4])[1,2,4]
ARRAY_PREPEND(item, array)Prepends an element to the arrayARRAY_PREPEND(1, [3, 4])[1,3,4]
ARRAY_APPEND(array, item)Appends an element to the arrayARRAY_APPEND([3, 4], 5)[3,4,5]
ARRAY_REMOVE_FIRST(array)Removes the first element from the arrayARRAY_REMOVE_FIRST([1, 2, 3])[2,3]
ARRAY_REMOVE_LAST(array)Removes the last element from the arrayARRAY_REMOVE_LAST([1, 2, 3])[1,2]

ARRAY_SORT(array) can accept two optional parameters, order and nullposition, which can be specified through the syntax ARRAY_SORT(array, order, nullposition).

  • order specifies the sorting order as either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). Defaults to ASC.
  • nullposition determines the position of NULL values in the sorting result, at the beginning (NULLS FIRST) or at the end (NULLS LAST) of the sorting output. Defaults to NULLS FIRST.