
Analyzing OnTime Dataset with Databend

This usecase shows how to analyze the OnTime dataset with Databend.

Step 1. Deploy Databend

Make sure you have installed Databend, if not please see:

Step 2. Load OnTime Datasets

2.1 Create a Databend User

Connect to Databend server with MySQL client:

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -P3307 

Create a user:


Grant privileges for the user:

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO user1;

See also How To Create User.

2.2 Create OnTime Table

Create SQL

2.3 Load Data Into OnTime Table

wget --no-check-certificate https://repo.databend.rs/t_ontime/t_ontime.csv.zip
unzip t_ontime.csv.zip
Load TSV files into Databend
curl -H "insert_sql:insert into ontime file_format = (type = 'TSV' skip_header = 0)" -F "upload=@t_ontime.csv"  -XPUT http://root:@
  • http://username:passowrd@
    • username is the user.
    • password is the user password.
    • is http_handler_host value in your databend-query.toml
    • 8000 is http_handler_port value in your databend-query.toml

Step 3. Queries

Execute Queries:

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -uroot
SELECT Year, count(*) FROM ontime GROUP BY Year;

All Queries:

Q1SELECT DayOfWeek, count(*) AS c FROM ontime WHERE Year >= 2000 AND Year <= 2008 GROUP BY DayOfWeek ORDER BY c DESC;
Q2SELECT DayOfWeek, count(*) AS c FROM ontime WHERE DepDelay>10 AND Year >= 2000 AND Year <= 2008 GROUP BY DayOfWeek ORDER BY c DESC;
Q3SELECT Origin, count(*) AS c FROM ontime WHERE DepDelay>10 AND Year >= 2000 AND Year <= 2008 GROUP BY Origin ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10;
Q4SELECT IATA_CODE_Reporting_Airline AS Carrier, count() FROM ontime WHERE DepDelay>10 AND Year = 2007 GROUP BY Carrier ORDER BY count() DESC;
Q5SELECT IATA_CODE_Reporting_Airline AS Carrier, avg(cast(DepDelay>10 as Int8))*1000 AS c3 FROM ontime WHERE Year=2007 GROUP BY Carrier ORDER BY c3 DESC;
Q6SELECT IATA_CODE_Reporting_Airline AS Carrier, avg(cast(DepDelay>10 as Int8))*1000 AS c3 FROM ontime WHERE Year>=2000 AND Year <=2008 GROUP BY Carrier ORDER BY c3 DESC;
Q7SELECT IATA_CODE_Reporting_Airline AS Carrier, avg(DepDelay) * 1000 AS c3 FROM ontime WHERE Year >= 2000 AND Year <= 2008 GROUP BY Carrier;
Q8SELECT Year, avg(DepDelay) FROM ontime GROUP BY Year;
Q9SELECT Year, count(*) as c1 FROM ontime GROUP BY Year;
Q10SELECT avg(cnt) FROM (SELECT Year,Month,count(*) AS cnt FROM ontime WHERE DepDel15=1 GROUP BY Year,Month) a;
Q11SELECT avg(c1) FROM (SELECT Year,Month,count(*) AS c1 FROM ontime GROUP BY Year,Month) a;
Q12SELECT OriginCityName, DestCityName, count(*) AS c FROM ontime GROUP BY OriginCityName, DestCityName ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10;
Q13SELECT OriginCityName, count(*) AS c FROM ontime GROUP BY OriginCityName ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10;
Q14SELECT count(*) FROM ontime;